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This high paced web-based seminar teaches the essential components of the DICOM standard, its protocol and data format (header), and how to resolve any interface issues with devices using this interface standard.


This seminar has been approved by AHRA: The association for Medical Imaging Management for 4 Category A ARRT continuing education credits, which could also satisfy other organizations such as PARCA and CIIP continuing education requirements.


This seminar is intended for professionals who support, manage and develop medical imaging devices such as digital acquisition modalities, PACS systems, and systems who are image enabled such as Electronic Health Records. This can be PACS administrators, radiological technologists who regularly interface with a PACS such as for "fixing studies", biomedical engineers, service engineers and IT personnel. This seminar is also useful for anyone who wants to learn about this standard as they are looking for a career in healthcare imaging and informatics such as software developers, integration and interface analysts.

Detailed Learning Objectives

Students will understand the DICOM standard, i.e. the protocol details such as establishing connections, the DICOM protocol commands, be able to read and fix DICOM headers and configure DICOM devices.

DICOM Core Essentials

  • I'm a product detail. I'm a great place to add more information about your product such as sizing, material, care and cleaning instructions. This is also a great space to write what makes this product special and how your customers can benefit from this item.
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